What does reptiles eat
You are warm-blooded, move, and may smell like a meal in a time of starvation. Avoid this by feeding a reptile the things it requires to live. If you are a reptile owner, you need to know what the reptiles you have want and need to eat. Researching to find science-backed reptile nutrition ensures their health and a long lifespan. Feeding your reptile, regardless of species means finding the proper ratio of pellets or a commercial reptile food, fresh foods including insects for some , and the necessary supplements that support their health in captivity.
The optimal pet reptile diet varies widely, and each species have their unique requirements. Snakes are almost entirely obligate carnivores, even those that eat raw fertile eggs. They require protein in the form of rodents or small mammals, from mice, rats to large cockroaches. Snakes do not need, want, or tolerate fruits or vegetables. They require fresh clean water daily.
In nature, snakes will eat rodents and insects and will eat birds, rabbits, hares, any mammal they catch, and which can fit past their jaws and the rare raw egg for the protein-rich contents a snake craves. There are a few exotic African egg-eating snakes. They eat exclusively small eggs such as pigeon, finch, quail, and small chicken eggs. Store-bought eggs are not the right eggs.
They require only eggs that can hatch into baby birds. Full-grown pythons need grown rabbits. These rodents can provide complete nutrition to a snake as these rodents were fed a nutrient-full diet of pellet feed and can be sourced frozen, freshly killed, or alive. Frozen, killed, or live feeder animals are available at exotic pet shops and even pet supermarkets.
The types of meat a snake prefers can be warm-blooded or even other reptiles or amphibians. No snake can live as a vegetarian. Most snakes prefer to eat food that is moving so defrosting and warming up a frozen mouse and using tongs to mimic animation if necessary. If you are squeamish, you do consider a snake as a pet! Most snakes are carnivores or insectivores. They need to eat meat and don't eat any fruits or vegetables for the most part.
Most snakes eat some combination of:. You'll probably feed your pet snake rodents , since they're by far the easiest way to feed a captive reptile. These may be fed at different ages and can be frozen, freshly killed, or alive. Examples of pet snakes that eat meat include ball pythons and corn snakes. Lizards are a varied bunch. Most smaller lizards are mostly insectivores. However, other species of lizard can be herbivorous vegetarian or omnivorous both meat and veggies.
Some big lizards are true predators, eating larger mammals with ease—but those aren't common as pets. In the wild, lizards might eat:. The specific diet varies a lot depending on the species of lizard. Most people feed their lizards crickets, mealworms, or waxworms. That said, if you only feed crickets, your insectivore can develop deficiencies in some nutrients. You may want to explore supplement options. Examples of pet insectivorous lizards include anoles , leopard geckos , and long-tailed skinks.
Iguanas , another common pet lizard, are mostly vegetarian. Bearded dragons and blue-tongued skinks are omnivores. These slow-moving animals prefer to eat things that can't run away, such as:. Turtles and tortoises often have complex nutritional needs because they evolved to eat such a variety! Before feeding a lizard determine the species first.
Try to understand is it an omnivore, herbivore, insectivore, or carnivore. This basic information is the best starting point for a healthy diet.
Most garden lizards are pure insectivores, but some also eat fruits and vegetables. Roaches : Yes. Cockroaches make up a large percentage of many wild lizard diets. Many owners like to feed dubia cockroaches, which are high in moisture, calcium, fiber, and protein. Roaches are a good, reliable food source.
Ants : Yes, but it is not part of their staple diet. Ants are small, so they must be eaten in very large numbers to have any nutritional benefit. Some species, like the horned lizard, are adapted for eating ants. Snakes : No. Larger species like monitors and tegus may eat baby snakes, but most lizards are preyed on by snakes.
Scorpions : No. Pet lizards should not be fed scorpions. Some desert-dwelling lizards like the Western banded gecko eat scorpions. However, this is rare, and most of the time it is the other way around! Spiders : Yes. Small spiders are prey for house geckos, skinks and anoles.
In many ecosystems, lizards are important predators that regulate the number of spiders in an area. Fruit : Yes. Fruit is an essential part of the diet of omnivorous and herbivorous lizards. In moderation, fruit is a healthy, vitamin-rich snack that many species enjoy.
Insectivores will not eat fruit, even if it is offered. Chocolate : No. Chocolate is toxic and contains theobromine , a compound that is toxic to most animals, including reptiles. Theobromine is a stimulant that overloads the nervous and cardiac systems. It can lead to death. Vegetables : Yes. Dark leafy greens, squash, now peas, parsley, and bell peppers are all great vegetables for lizards.
Bread : No. Bread is not nutritious and should not be offered. Worms : Yes. Some house lizards will eat earthworms. However, because of their slimy exterior, worms are not usually eaten unless they have no other option. Other worm-like invertebrates such as hornworms, waxworms, and mealworms are loved by lizards and make excellent treats.
Fruit makes a great treat for lizards every once and a while. Make sure to wash all fruits thoroughly and chop them up into bite-sized pieces before feeding them to a lizard.
Though healthy in small amounts, fruit is very high in sugar and eating too much of it can lead to health problems. Vegetables are the main food source for many lizards. Feeding a variety of veggies is healthy and decreases the likelihood of your reptile developing a vitamin deficiency. It also makes feeding time a more exciting and enriching experience. Wash and cut vegetables into small chunks, discarding any inedible seeds or peels. Kale, romaine lettuce, and spinach should be given in small portions because they contain an enzyme that binds calcium.
There are plenty of foods that are edible and safe for lizards, but there are also many that are not safe.