What is genetics and genomics
Students will benefit from group learning in a small class size, and will graduate with a broad range of skills including communication, teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving. These skills are called transferable because they will transfer and be useful in a broad range of careers post-graduation.
Top graduates may progress directly to PhD studies in diverse areas such as biomedical science, agri-bioscience, microbiology, evolution, informatics and data science where genetics and genomics is an important component of the research project. Other graduates may study for professional qualifications in areas such as Medicine or Education.
There is growing demand for individuals that have both an in-depth understanding of genetics and the numerical and computer skills required to investigate and interpret genomic data. This will offer our graduates opportunities in genomic and life science companies, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, forensics and clinical diagnostics, biomedical devices and therapeutics, public health and epidemiology, agricultural and environmental sectors, as well as the information technology sector.
Students have the opportunity to apply for summer research studentships e. This is an excellent opportunity for students to experience a research environment and learn new skills that will be useful when completing their final year research project. Students have the opportunity to apply to spend one semester of 3 rd Year in the United States e.
At these universities, students will be able to study a range of subjects related to Genetics and Genomics as a well as experiencing student life in a different environment and culture. Some features need cookies to work properly. Cookies also let us a remember your preferences, b collect anonymous usage statistics, and c manage any online ads for nuigalway.
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Get Directions Send Us an Email. All Rights Reserved. Illustration by Davide Bonazzi. Latest articles Genetics and Genomics Ssl2 processivity determines the window for transcription start site selection during promoter scanning by RNA polymerase II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Epidemiology and Global Health Genetics and Genomics Epigenetic regulations in the smoking- and blood pressure-related pathways to the future risk of coronary heart disease may reveal novel pathways or therapeutic targets.
Genetics and Genomics Neuroscience Methods for screening hundreds of DNA sequences for enhancer activity have been extended for use in vivo, uncovering novel enhancer elements active in the early postnatal brain.
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Will precision medicine move us beyond race? Karczewski, K. The mutational constraint spectrum quantified from variation in , humans. Khera, A. Genome-wide polygenic scores for common diseases identify individuals with risk equivalent to monogenic mutations. Nature , 97— Google Scholar. Wetterstrand, K. Wall, J. CAS Google Scholar. Kowalski, M. PLoS Genet. Bycroft, C.
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McQuillan, M. The importance of including ethnically diverse populations in studies of quantitative trait evolution. Sohail, M. Polygenic adaptation on height is overestimated due to uncorrected stratification in genome-wide association studies. Crawford, N. Loci associated with skin pigmentation identified in African populations. Science , eaan Gasperini, M. Towards a comprehensive catalogue of validated and target-linked human enhancers.
Racimo, F. Evidence for archaic adaptive introgression in humans. Skoglund, P. Ancient genomics of modern humans: the first decade. Genomics Hum. Vicente, M. African population history: an ancient DNA perspective. Sherman, R. Assembly of a pan-genome from deep sequencing of humans of African descent. Durvasula, A. Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations.
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Chakravarti, A. Revealing rate-limiting steps in complex disease biology: The crucial importance of studying rare, extreme-phenotype families. Bioessays 38 , — Lancaster, M. Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly.
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Highly rearranged chromosomes reveal uncoupling between genome topology and gene expression. Despang, A. Functional dissection of the Sox9-Kcnj2 locus identifies nonessential and instructive roles of TAD architecture. Hnisz, D. A phase separation model for transcriptional control. Cell , 13—23 Shrinivas, K. Enhancer features that drive formation of transcriptional condensates. Cell 75 , — e Narlikar, G.
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The cis-regulatory dynamics of embryonic development at single-cell resolution. Tang, F. Methods 6 , — Camp, J. Mapping human cell phenotypes to genotypes with single-cell genomics. Lein, E. The promise of spatial transcriptomics for neuroscience in the era of molecular cell typing. Science , 64—69 Satija, R. Spatial reconstruction of single-cell gene expression data. Achim, K. High-throughput spatial mapping of single-cell RNA-seq data to tissue of origin. Comprehensive single-cell transcriptional profiling of a multicellular organism.
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Holliday, R. DNA modification mechanisms and gene activity during development. Strahl, B. The language of covalent histone modifications. Nature , 41—45 Jambhekar, A. Roles and regulation of histone methylation in animal development. Cell Biol. Smith, Z. Epigenetic restriction of extraembryonic lineages mirrors the somatic transition to cancer.
Jinek, M. Nabet, B. The dTAG system for immediate and target-specific protein degradation. Clevers, H. Modeling development and disease with organoids. Dekker, J. Exploring the three-dimensional organization of genomes: interpreting chromatin interaction data. Banani, S. Biomolecular condensates: organizers of cellular biochemistry. Lupianez, D. Disruptions of topological chromatin domains cause pathogenic rewiring of gene-enhancer interactions.
Basu, S. Unblending of transcriptional condensates in human repeat expansion disease. Grosswendt, S. Epigenetic regulator function through mouse gastrulation. Johnson, T. Researches on pyrimidines. The discovery of 5-methyl-cytosine in tuberculinic acid, the nucleic acid of the tubercle bacillus. Heard, E. Ten years of genetics and genomics: what have we achieved and where are we heading? Quinn, J. Unique features of long non-coding RNA biogenesis and function.
Kopp, F. Functional classification and experimental dissection of long noncoding RNAs. Liu, S. Science , eaah Rubin, A. The terms sound alike, and they are often used interchangeably. But there are some important distinctions.
But there are some important distinctions between genetics and genomics. Genetics is the study of heredity, or how the characteristics of living organisms are transmitted from one generation to the next via DNA, the substance that comprises genes, the basic unit of heredity.
Genetics dates back to Augustinian friar and scientist Gregor Mendel, whose studies of pea plants in the mids established many of the rules of heredity.
Genetics involves the study of specific and limited numbers of genes, or parts of genes, that have a known function. Using high-performance computing and math techniques known as bioinformatics, genomics researchers analyze enormous amounts of DNA-sequence data to find variations that affect health, disease or drug response. In humans that means searching through about 3 billion units of DNA across 23, genes. Genomics is a much newer field than genetics and became possible only in the last couple of decades due to technical advances in DNA sequencing and computational biology.