What is sjr quartile

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Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How is the Scimago journal ranking Q1-Q4 defined? Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 3 months ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Viewed 48k times. Improve this question. Federico Poloni Sapiens Sapiens 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 8 8 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. When you look at one of the "widgets" they have for each journal, it says "quartile": BTW, whether the journal is in the first, second, third, or fourth quartile, the widget will erroneously always say "best quartile".

Improve this answer. Thanks for documenting. In my opinion, these sites should offer better explanations. Wikipedia How is ranking done? It overcomes several biases in impact factor: It uses a 3 year document window impact factor uses 2 : This is a better window across a broader range of disciplines. It weights citations by prestige which can reduce the capacity for gaming and aligns within common sense that not all citations are created equally. I believe this also incorporates the idea that each publication only has so much prestige to give, so a citation from a paper with references is worth less than a citation with 20 references.

The series tables and charts offer the evolution of these indicators from to On the upper part of every chart there is a plus symbol, which you can click to get the indicator explanation. Countries and regions are easily browsable through the world regions list and country list displayed in Country Rankings.

Country ranks can be customized by filtering and ranking criteria and applying a lower threshold to the ranking. All these customized country rankings can be downloaded excel doc. How the impact index is calculated by SJR? What are quartiles? Metrics used for journals: impact indices or impact indicators Impact indicators measure the impact that a journal has had on scientific literature.

Tools for understanding impact indexes There are several tools which enable users to look up and automatically calculate the impact indicators of the most important scientific journals: Journal Citation Reports JCR : It includes publications reviewed by the most widely-cited experts in the world and covers approximately different disciplines. JCR can be accessed online via the Web Of Science platform WOS and can be used to run online searches and look up the Impact Factor of a given journal or a group of journals and make comparisons between these.

This is an essential tool for investigating the level of influence and impact that a journal has had on the international research community. It does not measure the quality of an article but rather that of the journal in which the article was published. Not every journal has a JCR impact factor and journals that do have one do not have this permanently. The impact factor of a journal is updated every year and may vary from one year to another.

One single journal can be associated with several subject areas and it is likely that the journal will have a different level of impact within each of these subject areas. The impact index of a journal title in any given year is a fixed index in JCR. Each subject category of journals is divided into four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. The most prestigious journals within a subject area are those which occupy the first quartile, Q1.

There are two different versions: one for Science and the other for Social Sciences. Coverage is provided from onwards.

It analyses publications indexed in the Scopus database which is provided by the publisher Elsevier, dating from to the present. SJR does not measure the quality of an article but rather the quality of the journal in which the article is published. Not every journal has an SJR impact factor and journals that do have one do not have this permanently.

The tool enables users to look up the impact factor of a given journal or group of journals and to make comparisons between these. One single journal can be associated with several subject areas and it is very likely that the journal will have a different level of impact within each of these subject areas. The impact index of a journal title in any given year is not a fixed index in SJR and may vary.

SJR is commonly used in science and social sciences. There are no separate versions for each subject area. Each subject group of magazines is divided into four quartiles: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.

A simple formula is used to calculate the Impact Factor IF : The total number of citations received in the previous two years divided by the total number of articles published in those previous two years How the impact index is calculated by SJR?


  • 1000 / 1000