What was slipknots first album

The album featured Corey Taylor as lead vocalist; he had previously appeared on their second demo which, in turn, resulted in them signing to Roadrunner Records. However, he did not appear on the band's first demo Mate. Rick Anderson of Allmusic noted that on "Scissors," Taylor "actually sounds like he's about to burst into tears. The song has been rumored to be about a death threat sent to Taylor at a Slipknot concert.

This, however, is not the case. It has been proven during an interview with Loudwire that it was about "the dick in the pit", as described by Taylor, nicknamed 'Thor', who would rough up people in moshpits during live shows. After the crowd "beat the living shit out of him" at a Slipknot show, he has since not been a problem. Eeyore has been played live many times and appears on both the DVD Disasterpieces and the live album 9. Slipknot was well received by critics and fans; following its release the band gained popularity beyond their expectations.

Reviewing for Allmusic, Rick Anderson awarded the album four out of five stars calling it "an auspicious debut" and proclaimed, "You thought Limp Bizkit was hard?

They're the Osmonds. These guys are something else entirely. And it's pretty impressive. CMJ ranked the album as the twelfth highest "Editorial Pick" for The song was also named the 36th greatest metal song of all time, by VH1.

The release of the album and the touring which followed greatly increased the band's popularity. The album became the "biggest selling extreme metal album at the time. On May 2, , the album was certified platinum in the United States, a first for any album released by Roadrunner Records.

Ross was throwing punches at us. He was so into it. You can hear that on the record. Details of those sessions sometimes seem difficult to believe. I was throwing up all over the fucking place.

At one point, the vocal booth smelled so bad. Then came the job of selling Slipknot to the world. It came out halfway through that tour. So really there was nothing to prepare anybody for anything. It was no shit.

So it became a point where nobody wanted to take us out on the road with them. So we had to headline out of necessity. It reached an astonishing No. It's always stuck with me. So I had to use that for my mask.

GRAY A first show was booked but we didn't have any actual name. We had done a show as Meld, but nobody liked that so we didn't use it again. But the first song we wrote was called "Slipknot. It was me and about 20 other people, and this crazy circus walks from the outside through the crowd up on the stage. It was so ominous and inspiring, and as much love as I had for Stone Sour, I remember thinking, Some day I'm gonna sing for this band. Self-financed and self-released, the first Slipknot recording is an ambitious, if schizophrenic, blend of midpaced thrash riffs, heavily syncopated beats, and blasts of funk, jazz, rap, and eerie experimental rock.

Colsefini, while quite able, lacks Taylor's range and tone, and within three years, Gray, Jordison, and Crahan would be the only band members from the Mate lineup still in Slipknot.

We went into the studio and it took forever to make. It was expensive and we were working our assess off to pay for it. Andy and I were doing concrete. We borrowed a lot of money from Shawn's wife because she had a real job. The album, Mate. We did it in was the middle of winter and we were driving through all this snow to get to the studio. We were there all the time. We'd sleep in the studio and constantly watch porn and videos of people killing themselves or getting killed.

McMahon would walk in while this stuff was on the TV, stand there for a couple minutes and then have a mental breakdown and lock himself in the bathroom for a few hours. We were getting charged for him to sit in there and cry.

He ended up getting Donnie [ Steele ] to quit because he got him believing that what we were doing was evil.

Religion was always a really weird topic in Slipknot. I grew up with a mother who was a Born Again, and if I ever brought it up for shits and grins, the guys got really uncomfortable. He joined right after we finished Mate. That record was a little elementary even though it's got great musicianship on it and we had the right ideas. The cover of Mate. It's 20 degrees out and I'm in the middle of a fucking cornfield freezing to death. And in the picture you can see my foot looks like a goddamn devil hoof.

That wasn't intended, but we saw it and went, "Fuck, we're onto something! We thrive on that. During rehearsals for that album, Shawn was hitting his keg with a metal pipe and it broke in half and flipped over and hit me in the head and cracked my head open. I started bleeding everywhere, but I finished the song. And then I said, "Uh, I think I gotta go. There were times when Shawn put me in a fucking wooden box, and sat me in front of the stage, and I would be in there for, like, three hours just waiting to play.

And then I would come out and mayhem would just fucking ensue. I bought a bar because we got banned from playing everywhere else.

We were too nuts and everyone was scared of us. It was Des Moines, Iowa, remember. We used sparks onstage and I'm jumping off stages into garbage cans and knocking people out and hanging people with rope. It was our crowd and we were in control. But you've gotta keep in mind, we didn't have thousands of people in front of us.

It was more like dozens. Slipknot shows in Des Moines were rarely huge events. Usually, between 20 and people showed up, just whoever was there to be uncomfortable around us and unnerved by what was going on. Someone gave me a dead bird and I put it in a jar and watched the maggots come and I studied them.

We used to huff this bird before we played and — just death, man. I can't explain it to you unless you inhale it into your lungs. There's just this sickness, and we'd walk onstage with that and go out of our minds. Offstage, I'd watch this jar and I'd see the maggots grow and they'd die in the liquid and didn't get to be flies. Then I was watching the fans one day and they were all pushed together. Once in a while, one of them would get on top. And I was like, Wow. Maggots burrow themselves straight up and down like that and they eat, and when they're done, they fall on top and they literally roll to the back.

So I was like, Maggots, you feed off of us. One day you will get wings and you will go, "Slipknot got me through some of the hardest times in my life. It will always be right here, but I don't need it anymore because it helped me get through and now I'm stable. We went up against Stone Sour and we won. Show-wise, we blew them away, but Corey's fuckin' voice was killer. We read back what the judges wrote and they raved about our performance and music. The only negative thing they wrote was about Andy.

He could sing death metal, but he would try to sing, too, and it sounded horrible. So we kinda knew something had to change. Shawn and Joey talked about trying out Corey, and at first I was against it because Corey would sing all the time in Stone Sour and I didn't know he had a rough voice also. I didn't want to lose that aspect.

Corey was almost ready to piss his fuckin' pants. He thought we were there to beat him up since he was in Stone Sour. Finally we went up to him and said, "All right, man. You wanna join Slipknot? And he said, "I'll give it a try. It's completely untrue. They were so nervous, it was fucking adorable. There was Clown and he had this whole thing where he went, "Hey, you know… I'm just gonna be straight-up with you… We want you to join the band…" He was constantly moving around, couldn't stand still.

And Joey was mumbling something and Mick was going, "Look, man. I just wanna make it. I want to do whatever we gotta do to make it. I was still doing Stone Sour and I was very devoted to that band.

So I said, "Well, gimme a little time to think about it," but in the back of my head, I knew. Me and Shawn were sitting there and Corey was nervous as shit. But he went in there and just transformed. Once he hit that first chorus, I turned to Shawn and said, "If we don't get this guy, we're gonna have to kill him.


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