What was the pattern in fringe
And should Olivia ever get out of solitary confinement in the alt-universe, will she take up with alt-Olivia's boyfriend, Frank?
The cow is named Gene. Walter requested a cow for ''experimentation'' purposes, but has ended up thinking Gene adds a nice calming element to the lab. We're really, really hoping Gene is not from the alternate universe, and that this cow is not a mole for Massive Dynamics. If you're only now discovering one of TV's best shows or just want a refresher, click through this handy guide and you'll know the basics to jump into the season premiere. Save FB Tweet More. Pinterest Email Send Text Message.
Fringe, Anna Torv, Fringe ''The Pattern'' is a series of unexplained, often violent or bizarre events that have occurred all over the world. Walter believes these incidents are the. Credit: Fox. Fringe, John Noble Walter had a breakdown and spent 17 years in a mental institution. He retains his scientific brilliance, but the social part of his brain seems. Continued on next slide. We saw in the first-season episode ''Ability'' that, as a result of being injected with Walter and Bell's experimental drug Cortexiphan as.
Fringe, Michael Cerveris The Observers are stoic bald men who have appeared in every episode, sometimes just observing in the background, sometimes as active participants. They seem to. She lost. Fringe, Anna Torv The parallel universe is nearly identical to ours, but something happened to make it evolve differently.
The Peter we know and love is the alternate-universe Peter,. Olivia in the dark cell at the end, Fringe 2. Bailey pulled out from under the hospital bed, Grey's Anatomy 3. Sam watching Dean. Fringe, John Noble While Peter was on the other side, Walter and Olivia received a note from an Observer identifying Peter as part of a prophecy that would.
Because of the destabilized conditions in these locations, any scientific ventures were prone to go awry. Impossible events were made possible- and too often occured, setting off the pattern of unexplained phenomena. Further incidents which happened were instigated by ZFT , a terrorist organization preparing weapons and technology for the coming war between universes.
As the cracks ran deeper, events of the Pattern became more and more frequent, as well as severe. The coming. The organization, funded by William Bell , made it their mission to experiment with highly complex and specialized technologies, testing for effectiveness, in preparation for the opportune time to unleash them in the coming war. These events caught the interest of the federal government, and it was by the actions of ZFT that the Pattern escalated.
These bizarre scientific advancements plagued the "soft spots" between universes, causing further rifts and cracks. At an unknown time, an Oversight Committee was formed by individuals with knowledge of The Pattern.
Among them were Phillip Broyles and Nina Sharp. This committee oversaw a team that was arranged to investigate the occurances. Details of the members of this team are unknown, but it was revealed by Broyles that they had limited success. More recently, an unidentified plane was spotted by a fisherman off the coast of Sri Lanka, flying low and emitting a high-pitched frequency which caused any glass windows in the surrounding area to shatter.
Following this an hour later, a sub-surface earthquake measuring 8. At a hospital in Lisbon a female patient woke up after years in a coma and began writing down a series of numbers which, when cross-checked in military databases, are discovered to be real-time co-ordinates of carrier battle groups on maneuvers in the pacific. These co-ordinates would be considered information classified above top-secret. It is unknown how she was able to produce these numbers or if she knew what they were.
One of five different audio samples is played when the butterfly is clicked, and most are followed by a deep male voice which says "find the pattern". One of the samples does not describe an incident; instead it is a radio advertisement for a car dealership called Franklin Auto which sometimes appears as Abrams Auto for the radio spot offering deals on model cars.
The ad is interrupted halfway through, all speech and music become reversed, and the deep voice says "find the pattern". The advert goes back to being played forwards and finishes with the line "tell 'em Charlie sent ya! Radio reporter: "A Dallas area physician reports that a year-old female patient grew over eight-and-a-half inches overnight.
Various media outlets have dubbed events like this "the pattern". All government sources are declar-". Emergency services transmission: "Calling all units, there's a at the VFW hall at spring and fourth. Over wedding guests are disoriented. All claim they can't remember the last two hours. May be linked to the pattern. An alternative 'radio spot' version of this transmission is currently being used as a viral marketing asset by Fox. There is only one difference; the road name "spring" has been changed to "Abrams".
Male voice: "Case number While there are an infinite number of parallel universes, there are only two alternate realities in Fringe - "our" reality and the "alternate" reality. So the Peter that Walter stole from the "alternate" reality is the same one we saw all though S1 and in S2. The dead Peter is the one from "our" reality. The creators have said that their are many different universes, but they will only deal with two as far as the "war" goes.
We still don't know which universe Peter comes from or which one Bell was in. ETP is a collection of fringe science articles arranged in an elaborate galaxy pattern. Clicking on one of the "stars" takes you to an article or video on the fringe topic. You can vote on whether you think the information is real or a hoax, or you can even upload your own "evidence". He was testing her for cortexiphan.
And it also explains mad German scientist Jones' interest in her too. He's trying to round up "reluctant warriors" to fight in a battle across the multiverse, and he's hoping the cortexiphan kids will be those warriors. Oh, and did I mention that cortexiphan was made by shady biotech corp Massive Dynamic.
It was a very Jonesy episode last night. Our intrepid outlaw teleporter has at last made it to Boston where he geeks out with Walter in between bouts of physical agony caused by having his body dissolved in Germany and recreated in Boston.
We discover that Jones and his mystery pals have gotten their ideas about fringe science from a rare, unpublished manuscript called ZFT, or "destruction by advancement of technology. Call it a universe collision. It will start with creepy events yay!