What will my pay be while deployed
Two of the main allowances overseas personnel receive are an overseas Cost of Living Allowance and an Overseas Housing Allowance. Qualifying service members are also able to receive benefits from the Family Supplemental Subsistence Allowance Program program. With careful budgeting you can also manage daily living expenses like these:. Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay is the gradual restoration of the retired pay currently being offset by VA disability pay. Army Community Service helps Soldiers and Families by providing vital services and information during war and peace.
Costs are typically based on Family income. Programs range from daycare facilities to sports and fitness programs. Base Pay aka Basic Pay : Basic pay is determined by rank and length of service. Basic pay is taxable, unlike allowances and makes up the largest portion of compensation.
Payscale Year: Military compensation typically increases each year. See current, present and future compensation by selecting different payscale years. Regular military compensation is the approximate amount of an equivalent civilian salary. RMC does not include all compensation e. Years of Service: 2 or less over 2 over 3 over 4 over 6 over 8 over 10 over 12 over 14 over 16 over 18 over 20 over 22 over 24 over 26 over 28 over 30 over 32 over 34 over 36 over 38 over Hazardous Duty Pay - Special pay for parachutists, diver, demolition experts, and other hazardous duties.
Career Sea Pay - A monthly pay based on accrued years of sea duty. Flight Pay - Incentive pay for those in the aviation field or whose jobs require extensive flying.
Hostile Fire Pay - Paid to service members who work in an officially declared hostile fire zone not war. Retirement Pay - Retirement pay for Reservists is not automatic. You must apply for it prior to your 60th birthday, which is the age of eligibility. You will receive an annual retirement points report and will use these point totals to compute your retirement pay. First, divide the total number of points by This figure equals the precise number of years of service for retirement pay computation purposes.
Second, multiply the number by. Third, apply that percentage times the dollar amount of active duty basic pay for your grade and number of years of service. To be eligible for pay, you must have completed a minimum of 20 years of qualifying service active-duty or in reserve status. To apply for retired pay, you must submit DD Form or verifying letter. Normally, an application package is sent to all eligible members at least six months before the 60th birthday but if you have not received these forms, it is up to you to obtain them.
The application must be completed and filed at least three months before your 60th birthday. Retired pay stops when the service member dies. The only way to pass on part of the retired pay to eligible survivors is to participate in the Survivor's Benefit Plan.