Can you die from skin cancer

Basal cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma. Skin cancer detection. Skin cancer prevention. Vital signs: Melanoma incidence and mortality trends and projections—United States, — Prevalence and costs of skin cancer treatment in the US, — and — Am J Prev Med. Prevalence of a history of skin cancer in results of an incidence-based model. Arch Dermatol. Incidence estimate of nonmelanoma skin cancer keratinocyte carcinomas in the US population.

JAMA Dermatol. Published online April 30, Atlanta: American Cancer Society; Cancer statistics, CA Cancer J Clin. Burden of Skin Disease. Mayo Clin Proc. Published Online May 15, National Cancer Institute. Melanoma incidence among non-Hispanic whites in all 50 US states from through J Natl Cancer Inst doi JAMA Dermatol ; 1 Key Statistics for Melanoma Skin Cancer. Accessed February 1, Skin cancer and photoprotection in people of color: a review and recommendations for physicians and the public.

J Am Acad Dermatol. Racial disparities in melanoma survival. Data run July 25, Management of nonmelanoma skin cancer in Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer.

It accounts for more than 80 percent of skin cancer diagnoses. It forms in the basal cells and is found on parts of the body heavily exposed to the sun. Squamous cell carcinoma also has a low death rate. Merkel cell carcinoma starts in the Merkel cells. These are located below the top layer of skin near the nerve endings.

An early sign of Merkel cell carcinoma is a fast-growing flesh-colored bump or nodule that may bleed. Nodules can also be red, blue, or purple. Staging is how doctors determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of your body.

Staging is common with melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma, because these cancers are more likely to spread. However, your doctor may recommend staging for larger lesions. Staging is based on the size of the growth and whether it has high-risk features. High-risk features include:. The outlook, or survival rate, for skin cancer depends on the type of skin cancer and stage of cancer at diagnosis. Learn more about understanding statistics. The next section in this guide is Medical Illustrations.

It offers drawings of body parts often affected by non-melanoma skin cancer. Use the menu to choose a different section to read in this guide. Types of Cancer. Skin Cancer Non-Melanoma Guide. Medical Illustrations. Risk Factors and Prevention. Symptoms and Signs. Types of Treatment. About Clinical Trials. What you should know: This form of melanoma often develops in older people.

When this cancer becomes invasive or spreads beyond the original site, the disease is known as lentigo maligna melanoma. How and where it grows: This form of melanoma is similar to the superficial spreading type, growing close to the skin surface at first.

The tumor typically arises on sun-damaged skin on the face, ears, arms or upper torso. What it looks like: It may look like a flat or slightly raised, blotchy patch with uneven borders. Color is usually blue-black, but can vary from tan to brown or dark brown. What you should know: This is the most common form of melanoma found in people of color, including individuals of African ancestry. How and where it grows: It often appears in hard-to-spot places including under the nails and on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands.

What it looks like: It may appear as a black or brown area. Musician Bob Marley was diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma, which ultimately claimed his life at age When a dark spot appeared under his toenail, Marley attributed it to a soccer injury.

Eventually he was diagnosed with the disease but was not treated. His melanoma spread to other areas of his body and tragically cut his life short.

What you should know: This is the most aggressive type of melanoma. It accounts for 10 to 15 percent of all cases. How and where it grows: The tumor grows deeper into the skin more rapidly than other types and is most frequently found on the torso, legs and arms, as well as the scalp in older men.


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