Can you grow peace lilies outside
I've been gardening most of my life and I created this blog to inspire beginner gardeners to create their own urban garden. Read more. Eamon MacGiobuin 18 Aug Reply. What to do with outdoor peace lilies when they have finished blooming? Kelly Martin 20 Aug Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Comment. Enter your name or username to comment. Peace lilies can be sensitive to chlorine and to cold water, so letting water sit and come to ambient temperature for an few hours can help prevent cold shock and chlorine damage.
Peace lilies are tropical and easily damaged by frost. They can be grown outdoors year-round in U. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 11 and In colder areas, potted peace lilies should be moved indoors before temperatures approach 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which could damage leaves, stems and roots.
Peace lilies attract several insects, including mites, scale insects and mealybugs. Spraying plants as needed with insecticidal soap such as Safer brand, diluted at a rate of 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, helps control soft-bodied pests such as mites and mealybugs. The peace lily Spathiphyllum Domino is an evergreen, flowering tropical that has variegated white and green leaves with striking white blooms.
The peace lily is most popular as an indoor plant, but you can grow peace lilies outside successfully if you live in a warm climate. Caring for a peace lily that grows outside is slightly different than one kept indoors, however.
Your peace lily will flower better if it gets bright, indirect sunlight. Make sure you plant the lily in rich, well-drained soil. Most peace lilies sold in stores are those that grow naturally in bogs or swampy areas of tropical forests. The soil there is composed of decaying leaves and wood and other organic matter, plus animal droppings, so plant them in well-draining soil rich in compost or other organic matter.
Peace lilies grown in shade or partial shade tend to have longer leaf stems, dark green leaves and fewer branches. They produce more flowers than those grown in bright sun. If you grow them in bright sun, they'll be compact with more branches and pale green leaves that may curl and turn yellow. USDA plant hardiness zones only tell you the average winter low temperatures, and they do not factor in the humidity peace lilies need.
Plants that thrive in the sun have small stomata -- the pores in their leaves -- to prevent loss of water through transpiration, a form of evaporation.