Can you waitress with a cold sore

Researchers have not conducted any studies. According to Cedars Sinai , antiviral ointments and oral medications may help with healing. For pain relief, you can try over-the-counter ointments and oral anti-inflammatory medications. There are no proven preventatives. If you have had a cold sore in the past, figure out what your triggers are. For example, if sunlight causes your cold sores, wear sunscreen. According to Cedars Sinai, if you start treatment as soon as you feel a cold sore coming on, healing time may be faster.

Cold sores are a painful annoyance. Toothpaste may or may not provide relief or shorten healing time. Taking antivirals and over-the-counter pain medication can help you manage an outbreak. If you get cold sores often, you should let your healthcare provider know. This article is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral health topics.

It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment. Shop Now. Our Mission. Contact Us. United States US English. Submit an Idea. Brand Logo. All rights reserved. Terms Of Use. The answer can be quite subjective and rather detailed. While your livelihood is your business, it is essential to evaluate your situation.

This is critical regarding your overall health and occupational responsibilities. The answer, in most cases, is a resounding no. While you might be completely mortified by your cold sore, your employer likely will not care.

In most professions, you are expected to be at work unless something significant has arisen. While embarrassment is real, not to negate the human aspect, you should go to work with a cold sore.

This is especially true if your occupation is not hands-on as it relates to people. If you work in a factory or stock shelves, for example, a facial blemish or red blister is not a reason to miss work. It is important to note that certain jobs can fall under a gray area.

In occupations where keeping others healthy is paramount, missing work due to a cold sore could be acceptable. Perhaps even required. However, this is quite rare. Whenever you are dealing with the health of others, it is vital to be healthy yourself. Having a cold sore and working in a hospital means that you need to know the health regulations.

While many hospitals are different, it is wise to find out the rules of your employer. Can nurses work with cold sores? In the most literal sense, the answer is yes. The use of a mask would be paramount. After all, preventing the spread of the virus and other germs is its main function. Additionally, cold sore patches and cover-ups can be helpful. They can not only serve to heal the sore but prevent an adverse reaction. If you have an existing sore or are in the midst of a cold sore outbreak, simply contact the hospital.

Let your employer know your situation and then act accordingly. While unlikely, it is possible that you could be asked to stay home. Additionally, a person should be careful applying essential oils near the mouth, as some are toxic if ingested. A person with an active cold sore should try to avoid touching it.

The following practices can help prevent the spread of HSV:. Although research suggests that essential oils may have some health benefits, it is important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration FDA does not monitor or regulate the purity or quality of these. A person should always do a patch test before trying a new essential oil. Cold sores are a very common symptom caused by HSV. A cold sore will last 1—2 weeks and go through five distinct stages before healing.

In most cases, home care and OTC remedies can relieve symptoms and speed healing. Prescription antiviral medications and laser treatment can also help. Lysine is an amino acid that may help prevent cold sores. Most people get lysine from their diet. In this article, Learn more about whether it is…. Cold sores, or fever sores, can be painful and uncomfortable. Antiviral medication can help get rid of them, but some home remedies can also ease the….

Cold sores are highly infectious blisters that develop on the lips and around the mouth. They result from a common viral infection and tend to be…. Cold sores on black skin look like small blisters filled with clear liquid. When the sores open, they crust over and start to heal. Learn more here. How long do cold sores last? Definition Duration Stages Are they contagious?


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