How does oondasta loot work

My Tickets. Contact Support. World of Warcraft Patch 9. Loot Lockout Information Updated: 5 months ago. Relevant Products:.

Instance-based Lockouts All members of your raid will share the same unique instance for the entire duration of the lockout. If your raid defeats any boss without you, you won't be able to engage that boss until the next reset. Instance-based lockouts primarily affect the oldest raids, but affect all Mythic-difficulty Raids as well as Heroic and Mythic dungeons.

Example: Molten Core Boss-based Lockouts Your character can enter different raid instances, but cannot enter any instance where a boss they've already killed is still alive.

This is tracked across both raid size and raid difficulty. Example: If you defeat Lord Marrowgar on player, you cannot zone into a different player's instance where he is not defeated, whether that instance is player or player, Normal or Heroic. You can switch between Normal or Heroic difficulty for individual bosses.

Note: The final boss of each raid can only be challenged on Heroic difficulty if all previous bosses have been defeated on Heroic difficulty in that week. Example: Icecrown Citadel Loot-based Lockouts In these lockouts, you'll be able to challenge and defeat a boss any number of times, but you can only receive loot once per lockout reset. This is tracked per individual difficulty. If you defeat Shriekwing on Normal difficulty, you can kill him on Heroic difficulty and receive additional loot.

Some useful information for you: 1. Although not stated by his dungeon journal he DOES have a trash drop 28 gold and 1 silver. Prepare for tears. I have a strange feeling this may be removed so he gives definite loot because honestly, he's ridiculously difficult to reward you with 28 gold.

It won't even cover your repair bills. In fact he can be kited pretty far, we even took him for a swim at one point, which was a barrel of laughs. I highly recommend you get a tank and a healer to pull him to your raid group which should be waiting at the graveyard. Quick edit: Just thought I'd elaborate on this, you don't need to go kiting him around the path you use to get to him, just tag him and jump off the cliff to the graveyard basically the shore south of his spawn location.

Like all NPCs worth their salt, he defies gravity and just walks right down the cliff. This is pretty much vital to killing him in these early release weeks. His hitbox is HUGE. In several groups of 40 I was able to stay out of everyone's way and not get hit by spitfire beam except one time I was the last in the chain.

Seems to be a weird glitch that causes his name to appear grey at first as if he were tapped by the opposing faction. However, after dying the issue resolved itself and others have confirmed that it went away without death some ways through the fight. Tanks cannot taunt. It caused many wipes getting this down pat.

Zerging is good up to a cap. However at a certain point it's such a cluster that his spiritfire beam is a guaranteed chain that will end the lives of about 15 people given that the first few jumps are non-fatal and obviously you want to avoid this. Anything more than 4 raid groups full and you're starting to get the double edge of the blade.

Only one tank needs to be in front at any point in time. The tanks should be rotated. If you've got more than 1 raid group of 40, which you likely will, it's best to have all the tanks and dedicated tank healers in the same group. If you're ressing from the graveyard, be patient, wait for him to do his aoe scream thing, then respawn.

Otherwise you're going to spawn and get instapwned by it and nobody likes that. Some people disconnected when we downed him, and logged back in to find they had the achievement but no loot. So definitely set your graphics to minimum if you don't feel your computer will cope with it.

It's not meant to be a pretty fight. To be honest, it's quite messy. I will update with more information if I think of it or if someone has something to add. Be aware when doing this boss its a long run back from the graveyard so self healing will help. The opposite faction will spend the whole time trying to get everyone flagged. Comment by Duressa We just downed this on Norgannon about 15 min ago.

Others have claimed he can reset if you do this. Unconfirmed on what causes him to reset or if there's been any sort of hotfix. Sometimes you'll get loot in your mailbox, but not always. The name of the sack is Shiny Pile of Refuse. Required about 4 raids. After a few hours of failed attempts, we kited him down the cliff next to the graveyard to minimise the corpse run time, and this made the difference. We took him out first go down on the beach. We watched in awe as the top and largest horde guild on our server got decimated by it in a mere 30 seconds.

It's a truly jaw dropping and awe inspiring boss experience you only find in the hardest heroic bosses of a tier, and it is absolutely extraordinary in the amount of teamwork, comraderie, and fun that takes place while trying to bring down this Titan of a raid boss. Have fun trying to kill him, he's worth every graveyard run back to his lazer firing frill.

We didn't know about or use the kiting to the graveyard strat, so difficulty may vary when using that strat. Comment by Follow these few tips to help you with Oondasta. He can one shot everything btw. Another, try to stay about 10 ft away from others or the damage stacks up on both of you. This is very crucial for respawning. This took us 2 trys but we got it, just keep on respawning and make sure to communicate. Keep trying, the horde on our realm actually wouldve gotten realm first kill, but they gave up, we kept on trying and got realm first.

Group creation: What we did was we had 3 raid groups and talked though general chat. It sucks to do that much for money, but its like Galleon used to be.

Comment by Leat There is currently a glitch with the loot system. I was in a full raid group, we had about 3 or 4 full groups total and it was our tag, the name was red to me, and same with everyone else in the group, and the boss died. It was all our first time. We all got the achievement, 2 of my guildies got a epic, I however did not receive anything. Not even the "bag" for gold. I opened a ticket explaining what happened, and the GM said they looked into the kill.

They were not able to find loot, but they did send me the "bag" of gold through the mail. So if you get neither loot nor gold, open a ticket! That way, all the tanks could coordinate. We pulled Oondasta down to the shore near the graveyard and had him face the water so we didn't have to move after releasing. Tank coordination is crucial if you don't want him to fire Frill Blast on the raid. Also, I don't think having more than 80 people helps much because then there's no room to spread out and he kills everyone with Spiritfire Beam.

Comment by Lyva Killed it last night with three 40 man raids and a lot of ungrouped people running around. The biggest challenge was to get everyone to spread out and to get healers in range of tanks to heal them, it is quite hard to do because of all the dpsers trying to hug the boss despite the huge hitbox and not letting healers get close. We however killed him on the spawn spot, tried kiting to the graveyard but after a few attempts there changed our tactics again.

On the beach there is much less area to spread out properly, plus, if people die, ressurection timer goes up to two minutes and running up to spawn from the graveyard takes about the same time too. Therefore the raid has no benefit whatsoever from pulling him to the beach. Comment by Kinespojk Does anyone know the spawntimer for Oondasta?

Comment by Arconfire It is possible to mass ress your raid after you ran back from the graveyard, while the boss is still alive ofc. Comment by Jomjo Try dragging him towards the corner that the mountains and the cliff makes and have the tanks face him that way. This is to ensure people don't get killed by Frill Blast.

This also makes it so you don't pull adds during the course of the fight. Make sure the tanks are ready to switch if they get agro. This boss is NOT tauntable. It took us several hours and several wipes but we did it! A side note: In the begging there were a lot of people there, but it seams easier with less people. We figured this because it was easier to avoid Spiritfire Beam when there was less people to run in to. However, too little people wouldn't be good either because of the stacking buff, Growing Fury.

Hope this helps :]. Comment by drummer Took 4 groups of 40 and someone else was recruiting the 5th one so all together I would say right around people to kill him today on Nazgrel Alliance side! It was 2 pulls after we got the 4th group over there. I am pretty sure we were the first on the Realm to do so. Due to some confusion the resurrection timer had not went away yet Comment by Gumchum We got him on Zangarmarsh a couple of hours so, took roughly players to do it with 3 wipes and a reset, we kited him to the GY.

Comment by trelliema Managed to get it today on Kilrogg after several hours and wipes - took four full raid groups and one half full. Ended up keeping everyone in the big field right near the flight master, and more importantly, near the graveyard! Tanks pulled him to the ocean. You do end up with Triceratops adds, but they were pretty easy to plow down with or so people DPSing them.

Also - hardest part? Comment by He sounds like a devil of a saur to kill. Still no loot, lol. Comment by We just downed him on Scarlet Crusade with a little over 2 full raid groups. I think around 90 people. Good tanks and staying spread out are key. For us having more people made things harder. We trimmed it down from five full raid groups to just over two and it was much easier. So, yeah, bring too many people and you risk a server crash.

Together with potential consequences from Blizzard. Oh, right, and if you crash the server, Oondasta despawns and doesn't come back. Comment by poison Note: having 6 groups of 40 people will make the server crash.

Comment by Ygorl You need to stay spread out for chain lightning. Of course, with people, it can be tough to make sure you have nobody within 10 yards of you. In that case, it's fine to be standing right on top of other people. Just make sure that none of you is within 10 yards of anyone else.

If chain lightning hits one of you it will jump to the other people you're stacked with and then stop, without killing anyone. You can also handle tank swaps with a warlock's Demonic Portal. Once the active tank gets debuffed, have the person second on threat step in front of the dinosaur, and have the active tank take a portal. Threat wipe, dinosaur has new tank, no turning around to destroy the raid.

Comment by buboboy We downed him this morning on rexxar, 4 full groups and a partial 5th. Wasnt a relm first as the horde had already done it however. We had a few tanks, healers and range pull him down the cliff.. However with that many people some didnt stick with the plan and started dpsing befor getting the boss into his spot, he was about halfway between cliff and the beach.

He seamed to always turn as his blast went off taking out of us a blow. I got 2 rolls of gold.. Will say that it seamed easier with less people; earlier we had tried with a much smaller group, around We got him down to around m after the 2nd wipe, before the tanks messed up, got dead, and people gave up was making progress why give up?

As for the large group that we came back with, 1 full raid, and a additional one after each wipe didnt even get it below m untill the 4th or 5th wipe. Comment by Please do not be so pathetic when it comes to this boss, it is terrible to watch you people failing at very simple stuff. Strategy to this boss is more then simple. Taking more then 40 average people will actually make it lot harder for you then you think.

If you execute things correctly, no one will die. D If you are a tank, save defensive CDs for Frill. This should work relatively easy until boss gets up to 10 stacks of the damage buff. Therefor, current tank should stop using threat abilities and the other tank should use whatever threat bursts he has available.

If you bring tons of people, you will have trouble spreading out, making most of the raid being one shot by the Spirit fire beam and some people will have quiet some chance for not being entitled for the loot. So, do not be stupid please, it is really pain in ass. Comment by Killed him yesterday with 3 full raid groups. Tank grabbed him and pulled him to the graveyard so people can respawn quickly.

Keep behind him or at his right. We had the raid leaders of each group on vent coordinating a strategy.

What we did was set up the 5 raid groups around the swamp and then group 1 started, group 2 ran in when 1 was down to approx. We tried to get the dead from each raid group to ress together at their starting point. It took 3 tries to down him and the actual kill took about 4 minutes. Hope this helps anyone else and the fight was epic, definitely a world boss feeling. Abbadone, Darkmoon Faire.

Both Horde my faction and Alliance were gathered to the western and eastern sides of the spawn point. However, like I've seen in other world encounters, the two factions didn't take turns on kill attempts.

We had about 4 full raid groups, and the Alliance had about 1. Needless to say, once they figured out they could steal the faction tag and kite the boss to our raid groups and wipe us, that is where the PVP started and we all totally forgot about the boss. The 3 main parts of this fight are letting the main tank get and hold aggro, keeping Oondasta faced away from the raids; every single person must do their best to stay spread out, for melee this was pretty easy once you figure out that this boss has a HUGE hit box.

And lastly run back if you die. Very fun encounter, and if you aren't in Throne of Thunder yet and need something to spend your Mogu Charms on, try this out! Comment by a guldie got Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn on our servers first kill, Dragonblight EU might just be a world first. Lucky few of us from Korgath got the invite. Took one try with 4 full groups.

Almost wiped but it was all good. Fun run. My advice would be to get AT least 4 Groups or even 5 to make it real smooth. Also when you pull make sure everyone is on the beach and try to pull him off the cliff, makes it alot easier.

Especially if u die, then you dont have to run all the way around the island. Oh yeah, all i got was gold, even with the extra roll This guy takes planning and serious multi team work. Comment by nwshful 3 40 bad geared ppl raids, 6 wipes Comment by DemonKyoto Do we have a definite on his spawn timer yet? Comment by kabookiejoe Well he has been hotfixed.. Sucks for servers with low population as they may never be able to get that world boss down.

Comment by I read this earlier from the tracker. I get the feeling this is going to make some of the lower population servers suffer. Comment by rezzax Is this a 40man boss? O crazy much hp. Comment by Voniazmogis Contrary to other world bosses, Oondasta doesn't have a zone wide yell. If you see multiple people saying that he's up, they might not be joking.

Fair warning: a zone wide yell might be added in the future, take that into consideration when reading this comment. Comment by Murdekklok Just finished him with several raids, 3 people got Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn, I of course got 24 gold my standard loot. He's a fun boss but I don't understand a word he says. Comment by Was killed earlier this week with about 5 full raid groups.

Everyone wiped at least 5 times, but pulling him to the graveyard makes everything a lot easier. Also watch out the Direhorns that come around.

Either he spawns them, or they respawn quickly after killing them. Make sure to kill them. DPS need to try and stay behind him. Don't cast a spell while he casts Piercing Roar or it'll silence you for 10secs. Comment by kabookiejoe Who needs sharks with lazers.. Evil would be so proud. We had 5 total tanks and they were all in the same group and in vent to coordinate who would be tanking. We had reliable healers in this group with the tanks. Overall this proved mostly unnecessary but depending on the number of people and level of gear this would certainly help.

The boss moves VERY slowly and you can't just run or he'll despawn. I used shield wall on his frill attack just to be sure since there were very few people around to watch me otherwise.

With or so people it was hard to get spread out enough for people to not die to the chain but this is a small portion of the overall raid. Other tanks stayed out of frill blast entirely so the ONLY target in front was the person tanking.

This is important because when the tank does eventually die remember with this many people you'll have TONS of CDs for the frill blast Even with 4 stacks of crush armor I was able to tank the boss with little issue through CD rotation.

At that point the other tanks were dead they had been taking frill blast so it became a GY zerg but he died maybe a minute later. Some important things to note: If you have a very large raid group it's probably better to stack up in very small groups than to spread out entirely. The chain lightning is going to kill people anyway so you may as well gain the benefit of aoe heals and damage reduction CDs. This boss will drop ilvl loot. For the weekly boss once per week. World boss loot is on a weekly lockout.

So yes, worth it. I mostly did those without large waiting time, simply hopping from boss to boss. The use of a bonus roll token is strictly a personal endeavor and will not interfere with any other player's loot roll.

It creates a completely separate roll against the boss's loot table. As of patch 5. Players who want items for an off-spec may choose in the UI which spec they would like to receive loot for from bonus rolls or quest rewards, regardless of the player's current specialization. The following contemporary dungeons, raids and world bosses support bonus rolls with the following tokens.

There is no current plan to add a bonus roll token for this expansion. You certainly want to save the tokens for use on a boss that has a chance to drop loot you need. If you already have all the gear from a boss or better gear then spending a charm will either give you gold or a redundant piece of gear to vendor.

If you expect to defeat another boss who can drop an item you do need, then you usually want to save the charms for that other boss. If you are raiding normal level content regularly, you probably don't want to spend tokens in LFR. The exception is if you defeat fewer than 3 normal-mode bosses per week, then your tokens will accumulate and it is reasonable to spend the excess tokens on LFR bosses.


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