What does zouave

This book is based on the information provided by Achille Lecreux of the 37th African Division. But an indomitable spirit like that possessed by Ellsworth was not one to succumb to small reverses, and he continued to advocate the organization of a Zouave corps. He turned his attention, at the suggestion of some of his associates, to a The famous baggy Zouave trousers were called serouels Robin Smith, Under this was a closed, dark blue vest, fastened at the side rather than the front.

The Zouave's trousers were of madder red wool, made without individual legs and ending just Many other units also chose to dress themselves in copies of French Zouave uniform, made fashionable by the exploits of such regiments in the os in the Crimea and Italy. These originally included dark blue short jackets trimmed with red Philip R. Katcher, Jean Joseph Gustave Cler, Hawkins soon after Ellsworth's Chicago zouaves Zouave noun Hence, one of a body of soldiers who adopt the dress and drill of the zouaves in French service, as was done by a number of volunteer regiments in the army of the United States in the Civil War, Webster Dictionary 0.

Freebase 0. Chambers 20th Century Dictionary 0. The Foolish Dictionary, by Gideon Wurdz 0. How to pronounce zouave?

Alex US English. David US English. Mark US English. Daniel British. Libby British. Mia British. Karen Australian. Hayley Australian. Natasha Australian. Veena Indian. Priya Indian. Neerja Indian. Zira US English. Save This Word! We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. Words nearby Zouave Zosimus , zoster , zosteriform , zoster immune globulin , Zosyn , Zouave , Zoug , zouk , zounds , Zovirax , zowie.

How to use Zouave in a sentence Louis Napoleon, struggling at Sedan, could not have heard the zouave battle-cry with more complete satisfaction than they do now.


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