What happens if a standing order falls on a weekend

Read more to become standing order pro! What is a Standing Order Used For? How Do Standing Orders Work? Learn More About Standing Orders. Open your account. All regular payments that you expect to make on a Monday will no longer show on your account on Saturday. Instead if you are due to pay a Direct Debit or Standing Order on a Monday, it will show and leave your account on the Monday or next working day after a Bank Holiday. Transactions such as ATM withdrawals or Faster Payments will still show on the day you make these transactions.

There are a number of ways you can manage your account: The mobile app and using our telephone banking service, are great ways to keep track of your spending. We also offer a number of online budgeting tools to help you plan your spend each month. The Manage My Direct Debit screen will show the last requested date as Monday at the weekend however as the Bank have made a change to payments this will not be reflected in your balance or confirmed as paid until the Monday. Sorry this didn't answer your question Please take a moment to leave some feedback, using the form below.

Thank you for your rating Please tell us why you found it useful using the form below. Related questions. What is the difference between a Standing Order and a Direct Debit? How long will it take to set up a Standing Order? At the same time, some cookies are used as well to make your visit more personal, improve our website based on how you use it and support our marketing activities.

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