What happens if someone ties on jeopardy
IE 11 is not supported. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Share this —. Follow today. More Brands. By Drew Weisholtz. Jeopardy January 23, But the tiebreaker? Williams, who won the Jeopardy! Williams has a background in math and game theory, and to him, wagering on Jeopardy! Especially when it comes to Final Jeopardy! His goal was clear: Stop the world—or at least the approximately brainiacs who reach the Jeopardy!
In the first video of the series , Williams downs a shot of scotch—ostensibly to drown his sorrows after watching yet another would-be champ fritter away a win—and then wincingly introduces himself to viewers. While tiebreakers always had been an element of tournament gameplay— Jeopardy!
If two contestants or even three, as happened in finished with the same non-zero score at the end of Final Jeopardy! As more and more aspiring Jeopardy! Ryan Alley was in the studio for both those October games. Because Jeopardy! He was assigned to be the third contestant in the next game as they returned as co-champions, and he toppled both.
The Final Jeopardy! Trebek came to the contestants one by one, revealing that all three were right: The two monarchs with a shared name who were proclaimed king but never crowned were both named Edward. Apparently, two ties happening in the space of a couple of hours at the Culver City studio was enough for Jeopardy!
Alley knew someone in the cohort of contestants who taped just a week after his own games. As one fan put it on the Jeopardy! Suffice it to say, Williams still obsesses over Final Jeopardy! Instead, he says, the tiebreaker was likely implemented to preserve the flow of contestants.
This rule was already in place for tournament games so that each tournament would have only one winner , but it was later adopted into regular games. The tie-breaker rule was in effect for Jeopardy! The tie-breaker rule may not be quite as exciting to some viewers, but you have to admit that it does keep things pretty straightforward. It also prevents the show from having to pay out the cash winnings to all three contestants, which we have to assume was at least a small part of why the rule changed.
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